Contact Lens Tips

Contact Lens Tips: Caucasian woman with dark hair holds a contact lens on her finger in front of her eye.

Taking care of your eyes is essential, especially if you’re new to wearing contact lenses. Proper hygiene and maintenance can help prevent eye infections and ensure long-term eye health. Whether you’re just starting with contacts or considering making the switch, this blog will provide you with valuable tips and guidelines to keep your eyes healthy and infection-free. From hygiene practices to lens care, we’ll cover everything you need to know to maintain clear vision and enjoy the benefits of contact lenses with confidence. Let’s dive into the world of eye care and discover how to keep your eyes safe and healthy while wearing contact lenses.

5 Contact Lens Tips You Should Know

  1. Proper Hygiene: It’s crucial to maintain good hygiene when wearing contact lenses. You should always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses to prevent any dirt or bacteria from transferring to the eyes. Dry your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses.
  2. Clean and Store Correctly: Contacts should be cleaned and stored properly using contact lens solution recommended by your eye care professional. You should follow the instructions for cleaning and storage to ensure your lenses remain clean and safe to wear.
  3. Avoid Sleeping with Contacts: Sleeping with contact lenses can increase the risk of eye infections and other complications. You should remove your lenses before going to bed. Even if your eye doctor has specifically approved extended wear contacts, it is not recommended to sleep in them.
  4. Regular Replacement: Contact lenses have a specific lifespan, so it’s important to follow the replacement schedule recommended by your eye care professional. Wearing lenses beyond their recommended duration can lead to discomfort and potential eye infections.
  5. Be Mindful of Symptoms: Something doesn’t feel right? Pay attention to any unusual symptoms while wearing contact lenses, such as redness, pain, excessive tearing, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light. If you experience any of these symptoms, remove your lenses and consult your eye doctor right away.

Remember, it’s essential to receive guidance from your eye care professional with contact lenses to ensure they are suitable and receive proper instructions for usage and care. Discover Vision optometrists are accepting new patients and would be happy to see you for your next eye exam and contact lens fitting.

Hygiene and Contact Lens Habits

Hygiene and proper contact lens habits are crucial for maintaining healthy eyes.

Washing and drying your hands sounds like a given, but this one step is vitally important. Before handling your contact lenses, always wash your hands with soap and water. This helps prevent dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants from coming into contact with your lenses and eyes.

Contact Lens Tips – Healthy Habits Cheat Sheet:

Cleaning Contact Lenses

Never rinse your lenses or store them in water. Water, including tap water and distilled water, is not sterile and may contain bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause serious eye infections. It is important to use the appropriate contact lens cleaning solution recommended by your eye care professional to properly clean and disinfect your lenses. This solution is specifically designed to remove debris, disinfect, and maintain the cleanliness of your contact lenses, ensuring safe and healthy lens wear. Using water as a substitute can increase the risk of eye infections, compromise your eye health, and lead to serious eye infections.

Clean and disinfect your contact lenses as instructed by your eye care professional. Use the recommended solution and follow the recommended schedule to avoid the buildup of deposits and potential infections.

It’s also important to keep your lens case clean. Regularly clean your lens case with sterile solution and let it air dry. Replace your case every three months to minimize the risk of contamination. Another good rule of thumb is to simply replace your contact lens case every time you purchase a new bottle of contact lens solution.

Remember, always consult your eye care professional for specific instructions and guidance on hygiene practices and contact lens habits. By following these contact lens tips, you can enjoy the benefits of clear vision while minimizing the risk of eye infections.

Sleeping in Contact Lenses

Sleeping in contact lenses is generally not recommended unless specifically prescribed by your eye care professional. There are several reasons for this:

To ensure the health and safety of your eyes, it is crucial to follow the recommendations of your eye care professional regarding contact lens wear and removal. If you have any concerns or questions, contact Discover Vision Centers or consult your eye care professional for personalized advice.

FAQ: How often should I replace my contact lenses?

Visit your eye doctor once a year or more, if needed. An eye exam with a contact lens fitting is required every twelve months to renew your contact lens prescription. It is important to follow the recommended replacement schedule for your contact lenses. Overwearing or using expired lenses can increase the risk of eye infections and discomfort.

The frequency of contact lens replacement depends on the type of lenses you wear. Daily disposable lenses are designed for single-use and should be discarded at the end of each day. Monthly or bi-weekly disposable lenses should be replaced according to the recommended schedule provided by your eye care professional. It’s important to adhere to these replacement schedules to maintain optimal eye health, prevent the buildup of deposits, and reduce the risk of eye infections.

Do not attempt to extend the lifespan of your lenses beyond the recommended duration. This can compromise both comfort and vision quality. Regularly consulting with your eye care professional will ensure that you receive the most appropriate recommendations tailored to your specific needs and lens type. Remember, maintaining a strict replacement routine is essential for maximizing the benefits of contact lenses and preserving the health of your eyes.

FAQ: Why can’t I wear contacts in the pool or hot tub?

Wearing contact lenses in a pool, hot tub, or lake is not recommended due to the following reasons:

  1. Contamination: Water in these environments can contain various microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These contaminants can adhere to the surface of your contact lenses and increase the risk of eye infections.
  2. Chemicals: Pools and hot tubs often contain chlorine and other chemicals to maintain water hygiene. These chemicals can irritate your eyes and cause discomfort or damage to your contact lenses.
  3. Water Absorption: Contact lenses are porous and can absorb water. This can lead to changes in their shape, size, and optical properties. The result is often discomfort, blurred vision, or even the lenses sticking to your eyes.

To protect your eye health, it’s best to remove your contact lenses before swimming or soaking in water. Consider using prescription goggles or daily disposable contact lenses specifically designed for water activities if you still wish to have clear vision in these environments.

Why can't I wear contacts in the pool? Black woman in a sunhat and multi colored swimsuit in a pool surrounded by balloons.


Maintaining healthy habits is crucial for individuals who wear contact lenses. Proper hygiene, regular cleaning, and following lens replacement schedules is important. Avoiding improper practices like sleeping in lenses also contributes to healthy eyes and comfortable lens wear. By practicing these habits, you can minimize the risk of eye infections, discomfort, and complications.

Take control of your eye health today by scheduling an appointment with a Discover Vision optometrist. We will provide personalized guidance, address any concerns, and ensure that you have the necessary tools to enjoy your contact lenses.

Don’t wait, schedule your appointment now and prioritize your eye health and comfort. Request a general eye exam and a contact lens fitting today or call 816-478-1230 to speak with our team.

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